Everyone’s a Marketer, and an Expert?
Everybody is a marketer these days because of social media. Anyone can set up a camera or start a blog and moments later be on display for the world to see. Don’t get me wrong, I love how simple tech has made it for all of us to take more control of our lives and tell our stories at the pace we decide.
My only concern is for the many people who make the decision that they want more out of life, they want to grab control of their fate and jump out into the community of people making moves on the web. Right out of the gate, before they have thought about who they are and what they have to offer the people, they fall into the trap of how to get more likes, more followers, and how to become a social media bad-ass from day one. They spend hours, weeks, months trying to crack the code of being themselves while going about life like everyone else.
A handful of free workshops, a years worth of online courses and thousands of dollars later, most of us still find ourselves confused and overwhelmed and feeling like the only solution is to scrap it all and start over again. Instead of taking the time to reflect on what they learned from the process and question what they would need to do differently, they stall. When they turn to the experts that got them to this point, these experts can’t help push them through to what the problem is because they have spent no time learning what you as a customer needs to help you to figure these things out about yourself.
In fact, they have thrown you into a pot with every other person like you with their general approaches to what most times are very specific needs. It’s no wonder why so many of us second guess ourselves and give up before we have gotten started. My answer is that there is no one answer, no one real approach to how we should get shit done as individuals.
If we worried less about likes and follows and focused our time on how we are best suited to serve each other through our products or services and get really good at just doing that, our journey in becoming better marketers for our business will be rooted in becoming better believers, thinkers, and storytellers of ourselves.
Note To Self: Care more about the things that interest my clients. Learn as much as I can about those things and use that as information for better decision making in the future.
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