The Power Of One. And It Only Really Takes Just One.
I have been told by many people over the years to put myself out there. We all have different stories to tell, and somebody needs to hear yours.
You’ve Got All The Time In The World.
It takes a lot of hard work to take care of the self. A few days ago I sat down and wrote out the things I wanted to do every day to make sure I was taking time to maintain certain activities for myself. So for the whole month, I want to journal, read, and go for a walk. After I completed the month, it was shockingly obvious how little time there was for anything else.
Everyone’s a Marketer, and an Expert?
Everybody is a marketer these days because of social media. Anyone can set up a camera or start a blog and moments later be on display for the world to see. Don’t get me wrong, I love how simple tech has made it for all of us to take more control of our lives and tell our stories at the pace we decide.
Identity Crisis.
If you really want to see growth in your life, if you really want to see what you are made of, let go of the labels you have allowed yourself and others to identify you as, let go and watch as you become the person you already are right now.
Start Now!
You know that great idea swimming in your head? That one that you sketched on your napkin at dinner last night? Get it illustrated, designed, refined or prototyped. Whatever it takes to help your vision take shape. Then watch it come to life.
Can It Fart?!
“Can it fart?!” was the response to a question asked by my 11-year-old daughter in response to a segment about Alexa by Amazon on NPR from a few months ago.“Can it fart?” When those words rolled out of her mouth, at first it seemed out of left field!
Motivation For Change.
In the past, I was not great at moving on. I’d find myself putting things off because I was afraid that once I made the decision to change, I was never prepared to do anything about it.
Find Your Niche.
Finding the best ways to keep money coming into power the machine that is my business is hard. That’s why I preach the gospel of being good at a few things vs. being okay at many. I tell my clients to look for their niche.
The Shame In Giving A Damn.
Every day we get is a new opportunity to do better and to go further. And time spent caring too much about what we think about each other is a shame.
Spend Your Time Wisely.
“Spend more time today explaining your ideas and concepts, and less time explaining yourself.”

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