Artist Highlight : Illustrator – Arp Laszlo
I’m always curious about why people do the things they do. No matter if they are well seasoned or just getting started, I love when an artist sets out to express their thoughts on the world. These are people I find exciting and I’d like to introduce you to...
Take Pride In The Work You’re Doing.
Take pride in the work you’re doing. And If you hate what you do … quit! I’m not saying that we all need to be business owners because I know that not everyone is built for all it takes. But I do believe that life is enough of a struggle than to waste your time...
Writing Your Goals Works.
Recently, I was looking back at some of the personal goals I had written down for myself. After filtering through a long list of what looked more like a wish list for a five-year-old, I landed on some things I wanted to accomplish so I could serve my clients...
A Job? Or An Opportunity?
While on my path of self-improvement, and bridging the gaps between my strengths and weaknesses, I accepted a position/opportunity/challenge as the Digital Media Mentor & Portfolio Coach at St. Petersburg College, Seminole Campus. I will be mentoring...
In The Business Of People
So I guess you can call me a collaborator or a guide even a mentor of sorts. I love figuring out where a person is stuck and working with them to find solutions, get them out of their comfort zone, and into a mindset that is built around taking action toward...
The Road Ahead …
But as I look at the rolling hills and grayish-blue skies in West Virginia, I’m realizing that I’m still having the best part of my trip right now! I’m in a vessel with people I love, talking and laughing. And it seems like every time I look up, the landscape has changed. Even with 11 or so hours left to go, and frustration, restlessness, and few dozen are-we-there-yets par for the course.
Find yourself a mentor, or two.
And as I grow through life and start to establish how I want to make my impact on the world, it hasn’t been a bad idea to pick up a few other counselors along the way. Tanya Williams from T.wynne Art & Design and Jeremy Bristol are two people who are still actively playing a role in my growth as a business owner and in life. Having people who have lived a bit more than you have or at least differently than you in your corner, is never a bad idea. The time and patience they have shown me through life and business have been priceless. I can’t wait until I can be that person for someone else.
“Words Make Things Heavier” -Mason Gehring
I’m paying more attention now, not to just the words but also to the sounds, the tones, and the pitches. This way my responses will be the right ones and be more valuable in turn.
Emails Are Never A Good Way To Have A Conversation.
It’s trendy for us to say all clients are crazy, and in some cases that might be true. The point is that solutions come from actual conversations.
The Breakfast Talk-O.
A few months back I had the pleasure of being in a morning meet-up named Breakfast Talk-O, hosted by Elisabeth Brinklow. I was at a table with a multi-generational group of women from many walks but with one commonality: They were all artists or work closely with artists.

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