What’s in it for you
Here are some of the services Beach And Main delivers
to help you reach your goals.

What’s in it for you
Here are some of the services Beach And Main delivers to help you reach
your goals.

Brand Message and Voice
We craft the story of who you are, what you do, and what you want people to know
about your work.
Brand Identity Elements
+ Logo
+ Print materials
+ Social media marketing
+ Web development and maintenance
+ Promotional videos
For Visual Artists
+ Evaluate artist statements
+ Categorize your work to determine ideal buying audience
+ Show and gallery application submission
+ High-quality images of work for web display
(Most decisions about your work are made online. Making a good first impression with great images is key.)
+ Pricing of your creative product
+ Project development and planning
Marketing Strategy
We’ll help you determine which channels are ideally suited to tell your story and reach your most viable audience, and what tactics will engage and spur them to action.
Weekly check-ins
This is how we make sure we’re accomplishing preset goals, as well as refine these goals and establish new ones. Beach And Main
Let’s Work Together

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