Show Your Work.

Show Your Work.

I rarely get the chance to spend a lot of time with my nephew, but a few weeks ago for a few hours, I got the chance to do just that. It was his first day on a few days suspension from school, after getting involved in the many dumb things kids do at school.

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Always Tell Your Story.

Always Tell Your Story.

The situation of an almost 40-year-old black man being asked if I think anyone has any interest in what she has to say, as an aging white lady, you can understand why I had an internal chuckle before I answered with a big, YES!

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The Cost Of Not Facing Your Fears.

The Cost Of Not Facing Your Fears.

After two weeks of no communication with my client, I let the thoughts in. You know the ones, the thoughts that tell you that you got this one wrong. The thoughts that make you second guess things. They harass you with overthinking what you might have done to make the client bug out and cut communication altogether?

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Doing Vs Thinking

Doing Vs Thinking

It’s pretty normal to squirrel about and second-guess ourselves at times. But the faster you get back to realizing why you’re the person who is capable to provide the type of service you do for your clients, the more productive and valuable you will be for them.

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